How 死+, a奥托工程部门, Relies on Mitsubishi 电火花s and remote360™ for Flexibility, 效率, 可靠性和质量

“The data that remote360 captures and stores helps us to plan and gauge how we’re doing over a period of time. One of my favorite features is that it stores all the programs, 运行时, 线使用, 空闲时间, 使用的材料, 警报和更多. Having all that data stored and at your fingertips is a big advantage.”

Danny Ritchie, head of the wire 电火花 department at 死+, a division of OTTO Engineering


死+, a division of OTTO Engineering, purchased its first 三菱电火花线切割 26年前. They now have nine Mits wire 电火花 machines , all equipped with bt365体育娱乐’s Remote360™机器监控系统.

奥托工程公司生产控制产品, switches and communications devices for industries including agriculture, 电, 航空航天和365体育娱乐官网. Founded in 1961, the company has about 550 employees on three campuses in Carpentersville, Ill. In 2017, OTTO收购死+, a precision metal forming dies and tooling manufacturer in nearby Itasca that now operates out of OTTO’s new Carpentersville technical center.

Danny Ritchie is head of the wire 电火花 department at 死+, 哪个主要处理短期加工, 高速模具和大体积冲压模具.

制造业比许多人意识到的更受数据驱动. The only reliable way to identify performance-impacting problems is through data analytics, 哪些可以揭示最大化容量和正常运行时间的方法, 优先考虑的机会, 测试的假设, 发现浪费并指导持续改进过程.


死+ began using remote360 in 2018 after adding their ninth bt365体育娱乐 wire 电火花, the 三菱MV2400R, 一种以精密公差著称的机器, precise auto threading capabilities and low operational costs.

里奇说 that bt365体育娱乐’s web-based remote360 machine monitoring system has improved productivity and efficiency.

“The data that remote360 captures and stores helps us to plan and gauge how we’re doing over a period of time,里奇说. “One of my favorite features is that it stores all the programs, 运行时, 线使用, 空闲时间, 使用的材料, 警报和更多. Having all that data stored and at your fingertips is a big advantage.”


里奇说 that the biggest advantages of remote360 include:

  • Remote access to machines via computer or mobile device
  • 数据存储
  • 健壮的报告功能
  • 工作流程管理
  • 远程诊断和支持

He also uses remote360 data to quote new jobs, saving time and improving quote accuracy.

bt365体育娱乐于2014年推出remote360, a foray into the Industrial Internet of Things that has proven valuable to many of its laser, 电线电火花加工和下沉电火花加工客户.

The web-based remote360 application provides real-time access to data including run, 停止和闲置时间. 以及生产性能图表, system alerts provide notifications of problems or extended 空闲时间. remote360的主要功能包括:

  • Remote access to real-time machine usage: The system tracks everything from material and power to gas consumption down to the part level. Additional performance indicators on laser machines include laser gas status, 功率输出, 有效进给量, 当前快速覆盖和切断馈电覆盖. With wire 电火花s, remote360 can maximize throughput to keep the machine running at peak efficiency. The dashboard shows data including how much wire is remaining and current job status, along with graphs depicting productivity and material consumption.
  • Predictive maintenance scheduling: Operators are able to better predict and plan maintenance because remote360 can set a schedule for preventive maintenance checks.
  • Production monitoring: Remote360 data shows machine efficiency, 材料的使用, 消耗品使用和更多.
  • Alerts system: Mobile or email notifications can be set up to indicate machine problems and job completions.
  • Remote support: bt365体育娱乐 service technicians can easily be given remote access to the machine when needed, allowing for fast and convenient diagnosis of machine issues.


The Mitsubishi 电火花s are used for progressive dies, including plates, components and punches.

“Almost everything that you put in a die is hardened steel and needs to be precision cut,里奇说. “电火花 is an effective and precise method for making progressive dies because it can create complex shapes and features with high accuracy and repeatability.”

里奇说 the primary benefits of using 三菱电火花线切割s include automatic threading, the ability to have 80 to 100 hours of unattended 运行时, 和bt365体育娱乐的服务, 支持和培训.

“Overall, the machine itself is just dependable,里奇说. “Out of all the other manufacturers I’ve used over the years, working with Mitsubishi 电火花s has been one of my best experiences.”

The wire 电火花 department at 死+ has three full-time employees and a rotating group of apprentices who cross-train throughout the company.

Efficiently managing multiple-piece setups is essential, 里奇说.

“When you have 12 or 13 dies at one time, it can get hectic,他说. “That’s where setup and time management becomes really important.”

The 电火花 room at 死+ is cool and spotless by design–bt365体育娱乐 collaborated with them to add customized heat exchangers to each machine so they could be vented into the central chilling system, which maintains a consistent temperature to keep machines to a tight window of precision.

The 三菱电火花线切割s were used in a recent collaboration with Honeywell on internal switch components for NASA’s Orion spacecraft. 九个小, intricate components required very tight tolerances and couldn’t be stamped, 里奇说.

“We used special non-magnetic metals because in zero gravity, 小颗粒会飞出去引起火灾,他说.

When the assemblies were completed, NASA astronauts visited on site to check the final products.

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